About Me

                When I was 18 years old, I decided that I was going to make my life an adventure. I loved spending time in the woods, traveling, and of course like every other kid playing with wildlife. As I got older, I realized it’s better to observe the wildlife than to play with it, but kids will be kids. When I graduated high school, I joined the US Army and learned a lot while there. It truly made me who I am today. The friends I made become lifetime brothers that I will cherish always. After this though I moved to New Hampshire with my fiancé at the time and decided to go to school after the army and got my bachelors in conservation and wildlife biology.

                Since my time in college, I learned more and more about wildlife and wanted to observe and study them. Most of my studies revolve around moose even though I rarely see them. I’m hoping with photography I can learn more about them as well.

                Well during my time in school my wife wanted to start doing photography. So, we went out to Hunt’s Photos and found a great starter camera. A nice Nikon Z50 with a Sigma 150-600mm lens. Well, it became very intriguing to me watching her take photos and I decided to try it myself. That is when I started falling in love with it and just couldn’t put the camera down. So, I decided to take a photography class as one of my electives. Let me say it was a hook line and sinker at that point. I learned photoshop and lightroom and how to better my photos.

                We now move on to the year 2023 and I finally decided that I wanted to take my photography further and share it with as many people as I can. Hence the start of D.S.S. Wildlife Photography. I invested in a better camera (Sony A7RIVA) and a better lens (Sony 200-600mm). To say that out of any of the hobbies or jobs I have tried, this is the one that makes my life peaceful and has meaning. I find so much joy in taking photos and sharing knowledge of the wildlife that I photograph.

                So, I hope that you enjoy my photos as much as I do.